Erla S. Haraldsdóttir

Erla S. Haraldsdóttir works with painting, drawing, printmaking and photomontage as a means to cite cultural symbols and insert them in evocative images, suggestive of narrative form. An academically trained painter, who has versatile experience in performative genres and video art, she currently focuses on figurative painting, where the physicality of paint and colour creates and troubles the illusion of space, light and shadow. Her works are drawn from a wide range of art historical materials and motifs, and she recombines these with painterly brilliance and humor. The works often remix or mashup elements of personal iconography and cultural heritage to explore how affect, kinship, memories, and perception interact. Methodology is central and Haraldsdóttir’s process-driven work is often based on a combination of rules and restrictions, places or stories, and tasks assigned to her by other people.